Bethel Preschoo1
The mission of the Bethel Preschool is to provide a Christ-centered, nurturing environment where children develop a positive self-image and experience the love of God while learning skills to prepare for future school success.
Bethel Preschool serves the Upper Lancaster community. We are a not-for-profit school providing classes for three and four year olds. We are able to offer a low teacher-child ratio.
Our schedule is based on a school year that runs from August through May, corresponding to the Lancaster County School District schedule. Registration takes place in February, but parents may call the school at any time to see if there are openings available.
As of June, 2024, we are now offering a summer program! Please contact us for details.
The school is not restrictive as to racial, national or religious origin. We invite you to explore the opportunities for your child at Bethel Preschool at 142 Old Bethel Rd. Lancaster, VA
Name: Gracey Smith
Phone Number: 804-462-5790
Find us on Facebook
Sample Daily Schedule
7:30 - 8:15 Arrival and Guided Free Play
8:15 - 8:30 Clean Up
8:30 Circle time, Prayer, Calendar
9:00 Bible Story
9:30 Snack
10:00 Learning Time (Introduce number/letter, theme)
11:00 Outside Time
11:45 Transition to Lunch
12:00 Lunch
12:30 - 12:45 Story, transition to cots
1:00 Nap / Quiet Time
2:45 Preschool Nap Ends (Pre-K nap ends at 2)
3:00 Snack
3:30 Craft or Outside Time
4:00 Pick up